Whipped body mousse

The skin loves a little extra help in the moisture department in both winter & summer.
Moisturising whips & can be easily created at home using simple ingredients & essential oils added to your specific tastes.
As they don't contain any waxes to set it is best they are stored in a cool environment to keep them stable.
50gm Unrefined Shea Butter
50gm Cocoa Butter
10 Drops sweet orange oil - or another of your fav oils
Re-purposed glass jar
1. Put solid Shea & Cocoa butter in a mixing bowl.
2. Mix with hand mixer until it fluffs up, this will take 2-5 mins & look a little like whipped cream.
3. Add oils & mix through.
4. Pop in your repurposed jar
5. Use on clean skin, a little goes a long way!
Store in a cool area as it will melt in warm spaces, most bathrooms are cool enough but if not pop it in the fridge
As this has no preservatives the shelf life is 3 months but I can assure you it will be used well before that.