Kumera chips

Kumera chips with zesty Guacamole dip
Kumera Chips
1 fat juicy Kumera* (sweet potato if you are not a kiwi)
1 tablespoon of oil – I used coconut
1 teaspoon of Garlic powder
1 teaspoon of Celtic sea salt (or himylian)
Fresh lettuce for serving
½ ripe Avocado
¼ lime
I clove of Garlic –peeled & crushed
Salt & pepper to taste
Spring onion
Kumera Chips
Wash your fat juicy Kumera; if he is a bit fat & juicy you may need to shop him into portions
Place in chipper & chip…or slice into chip type sizes with a nice sharp knife
Rinse & dry your chips
Pop into a bowl with oil, Garlic powder & salt until nicely coated
Place in oven to crisp (180C)
Turn at the 15 min mark & let crisp for another 30mins
Guacamole dip
Scoop out the avocado flesh & mash
Add freshly crushed garlic
Add lime &b salt & pepper to taste
Top with chopped spring onion
Serve with fresh lettuce leaves
You can season the chips with pretty much anything you fancy, chilli or mixed herbs are also a bit nice.