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Kumera chips

Kumera chips

Kumera chips with zesty Guacamole dip


Kumera Chips

1 fat juicy Kumera* (sweet potato if you are not a kiwi)

1 tablespoon of oil – I used coconut

1 teaspoon of Garlic powder

1 teaspoon of Celtic sea salt (or himylian)

Fresh lettuce for serving


½ ripe Avocado

¼ lime

I clove of Garlic –peeled & crushed

Salt & pepper to taste

Spring onion


  1. Kumera Chips

  2. Wash your fat juicy Kumera; if he is a bit fat & juicy you may need to shop him into portions

  3. Place in chipper & chip…or slice into chip type sizes with a nice sharp knife

  4. Rinse & dry your chips

  5. Pop into a bowl with oil, Garlic powder & salt until nicely coated

  6. Place in oven to crisp (180C)

  7. Turn at the 15 min mark & let crisp for another 30mins

  8. Guacamole dip

  9. Scoop out the avocado flesh & mash

  10. Add freshly crushed garlic

  11. Add lime &b salt & pepper to taste

  12. Top with chopped spring onion

  13. Serve with fresh lettuce leaves


You can season the chips with pretty much anything you fancy, chilli or mixed herbs are also a bit nice.

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