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Low tox cleaning recipes

My Kitchen Swap favorites

Baking Soda →

Baking Soda →

Is a natural deodorizer abrasive, perfect for scrubbing areas that can take a little bit of elbow grease it also brightens. Purchased from the supermarket in Cardboard boxes (McKenzies) or in Bulk from your local bulk store.

← Liquid castile soap

← Liquid castile soap

Dr Bronners is great & can be purchased in 8L containers, mine has lasted me nearly 3 years! Stick to an unscented one & add essential oils. Some Bulk stores sell castile soap in bulk as well.

← White Vinegar

← White Vinegar

Its acidity makes it effective for dissolving oil, grease & soap scrum. Don’t leave for long periods on areas that are porous like tile grout though. Refill your own bottle in some bulk stores. Manly Food co-sells in bulk but failing that opt for the largest bottle you can find in the supermarket.

← Essential Oils

← Essential Oils

Perfect to lift the mood of any cleaning job as well as disinfecting & deodorising. + Disinfecting oils – Lemon, Tea Tree, Peppermint, Lime + Deodorising oils – Lavender, Eucalyptus oil, Tea Tree, Peppermint