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Wanderlightly turns Ten and my Imperfect Year of Less

Wanderlightly turns Ten and my Imperfect Year of Less

This month marks 10 year anniversary of when I began my Wanderlightly journey, my year of Plastic Free and it seems like the perfect time to renew my commitment to being a custodian of this Whenua (land).

If you are new to my story a little over 10 years ago, I went to Tonga on a yoga/whale swim retreat and was astounded at the amount of plastic littering the unpopulated Islands. Rubbish that had arrived on ocean currents. Everyday items like toothbrushes, jandals (thongs or flip flops depending on your lingo), bottles, and food packaging. Our rubbish, and so after a 4am/2am wake up realisation that I was part of the problem, I decided to do a PLASTIC FREE YEAR to be part of the solution. At the time it was a simple WordPress site and Instagram was the newbie on the block.  

I started with a giant declutter of my pantry, removing items of food from packaging to see what my inital footprint was; a massive 187 single use plastic packages. My rules were to avoid plastic and save anything I couldn’t avoid to calculate at the end of the year.

The total Plastic I consumed for my year Plastic Free was 2.09kgs, you can read more about it here.

I began doing talks, which evolved into workshops, plastic free products and simple natural non-toxic skincare using the most ecofriendly ingredients & packaging I had available to me.  

All three of those things I continue to this day, and I love while I love them all passionately I myself could do with a refresher!

So, this year I am going simplify key areas of my life and share this journey with you.

My “Year of Imperfectly Less”.

Less stuff and less pressure to create space for what’s important.

Why Imperfectly?  Because the concept of Zero Waste or perfection is unattainable for most. Imperfection takes the pressure off. It fits us as individuals, is evolving and a much more attainable concept. 

As it takes a while for habits to settle in, I will be taking it slowly and gently as energy and general life allows but I aim to focus on a new area every month.

While this journey is evolving, i'll be looking at ways to reduce plastic, food waste, reduce new purchases, low tox choices and general wellbeing but I will kick January off with a declutter and simplify my belongings. Stay tuned for the next email on this undertaking.

I would love you to join and want this to be achievable for all so if you have any areas you would love to see me focus on feel free to add them below.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you all and celebrating 10 years of Wanderlightly and Imperfect Low Waste Living.


 PS – Stay tuned for monthly birthday celebrations & some sneaky giveaways!


Yours in nourishment,

Sarah xx

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1 comment

  • Meg on

    Thank you Sarah for always pushing towards your goals. Life can get busy and messy, meaning we don’t always live up to our ideals. Thank you for always trying to do better, and for inspiring me to do better, despite the inevitable challenges life throws our way. Your passionate and realistic approach shows me that living better doesn’t need to be unattainable, but rather consistently working imperfectly in the right direction can achieve better health and a better world. Legend!

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