Hello January One 2015

So here we are the 1st of January 2015 & the beginning of my Plastic Free year! Happy New Year to you all!
I woke up this morning feeling excited but also a little nervous…could I do this…could I live plastic free? There are so many things I love that come in plastic…potato chips, crackers, cheese…all manner of carby delights! I decided the I needed to wash away any doubts with a dip in the ocean, the spark that started me on this journey, so I headed to the beach with a freshly made juice first thing to immerse myself in salt & start the year off in a nourishing way.
The water was lush, the perfect temperature & a high tide, the Basin being nice & full with the occasional wave, quelling my concerns.
With a salty start to the day I continued with my ritual to bring in the New Year & plan out what I wanted to achieve for the year ahead. I kept it simple with some yoga, mediation, goal writing & a look through my gratitude jar from 2014 – Now if you haven’t tried a gratitude jar its really worthwhile. Basically throughout the year you write notes to yourself about things you are grateful for. I also popped in treasures & notes written from friend’s….was wonderful to re-read them & connect with those moments again.
But I digress. After this lovely wee treat I continued on ridding my home of the last remnants of plastic to start nice & fresh. Now I have been working on this for the last 2 months, popping things in glass jars & starting to purchase things with out plastic. I saved it all to get a sense what I would use over a 2-month period to give myself a bit of a benchmark.
So to break it down as I had to stack some into piles this is what I had:
Un-recyclable Items – 89 Random bits, lids from glass bottles etc. 38 Food packages – plastic wrapping from bought items, cracker wrappers. 20 Sandwich zip lock bags. 40 Packages which contained dried food – who knows what sort of plastic this is! So thats 187 single items in total.
Recyclable items – 20 or only 9.66% from my 2 month haul might go on to have another life. The other 90.34% leaves my house to become landfill or worse, ends up in the ocean.
It surprised me how much I actually had…not the conscious consumer as I thought I was! The only consolation is that i will no longer be purchasing these items.
So after my cleanse was complete another swim was well in order which was followed by a well deserved stop (I think so anyways) at the ice-cream shop for a treat. Dolce caramel in a paper cup was my flavor of choice & seeing as they only had plastic spoons & I did not have my super cutlery set with me I whizzed home top gobble it down before it melted. I can only say it was good…real good…ill be back ice-cream store…spoon in tow.
So all in all a pretty happy good way to start my Plastic free year, still slightly anxious about things I might miss out on (probably things I could do with out in all honesty) but I have an unlikely ally that has joined me on my quest.
My fur baby Coco has pledged his support …today of all days…refusing to eat out of his well-worn plastic bowl & only off a glass dish. Connected little cookies that they are to the earth!
So here my journey will continue & I would love you to join me & Coco along the way for what I hope will be a life changing & expansive journey, making areal commitment to lessening the impact that I have on the earth & ocean & hopefully inspiring others to make conscious choices around plastic purchasing.
S xxx
- Tags: Photography Plastic