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Clothing extender spray

Clothing extender spray

Washing clothing often leads to clothing having a shorter lifespan. This wee gem of a spray will help keep clothing fresh & allow you to wear it a little longer before it needs to be washed.

Use it in areas that hold scents like under the arms or as a fine mist over your garment to keep bacteria at bay.



10 parts distilled or boiled water

1 part vodka

A few drops essential oil



Small spray bottle



Using a funnel add the vodka to the bottle & a few drops of your essential oil.

Top with water & seal with lid.

Roll the bottle through your hands to mix.



Lightly spray on the garment in areas where scents gather. Hang to dry & air garment to freshener it further.



Tea Tree, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Thyme, lime, lemon, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Peppermint, Geranium

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